covid-19 update
Good news
We are open for business…
A little update for you & finally, some wonderous news: we are OPEN.
Cautiously, and very gently. If you can get here safely – you are very welcome. We have, unsurprisingly, plenty of availability.
As of the 2nd of June, so the beginning of this week, life has gotten a good deal easier & much more familiar around here.
France is split into green & orange zones. We are in a green zone and now that travel throughout France is authorised throughout the green zones, we are hoping some lovely guests will join us soon
Here in the South, we have been incredibly lucky & very firmly locked down; there have been deaths, tragically, but much fewer than up north – under 100 in our department to date, and we seem to still be improving. However, obviously, no-one has any idea what the implications of easing lockdown are, but we are optimistic now for the holidays.
This week our restaurants are beginning to open again, the shops & beaches are doing likewise & joy of all joys, we will be having a market this Saturday for the first time since March. We are not sure how or what kind of restrictions, numbers, distance or other will be in place but we will post on Monday to let you know how it feels.
There are protocols already in place both outside & inside the grounds here in Sommieres: masks are obligatory on public transport and in most shops, social distancing always, hand gels on entrances and tons of testing.
More pertinent for us here at the Hotel, we are not able to enter a bedroom once it’s occupied, so housekeeping is not possible for the moment, breakfasts are either delivered (terraces permitting) or staggered so only a few tables in the courtyard at any one time & we are currently obliged to keep a bedroom free for 48 hrs between guests. All of this means we are being cautious about protecting guests & ourselves so we will not be accepting short stays this summer.
We are working on a full list of changes including how we will be managing the different areas poolside & daily lunch service. We will post them as soon as.
We are confident that the French borders will be open on 15th June, barring any reversal in our fortunes, we have acres of availability & we’d love to see you ..