how to get here
by train
The nearest TGV stations are Montpellier, Sud de France (35 mins) or NImes, Pont du Gard (45 mins). Both TGV stations are outside the centre ville & we’d recommend pre-booking a transfer.
Both Montpellier St Roch & Nimes Centre have central stations too, which are pretty easy to get to & have cab ranks.
There is a direct bus (no. 141) from Nimes Centre to Sommieres.
The nearest station on the local lines is Lunel (15 mins) & usually has cabs outside.
by plane
There are two local airports;
Montpellier Méditerranée (35 mins) or Nimes Alés Camargue Cevennes (35 mins).
Montpellier has an increasingly larger list of carriers including Air France, KLM Transavia & Easyjet. Nimes is exclusively Ryanair.
Both airports have taxi ranks including some Uber drivers, which is the most cost effective transfer unless your party is more than four, in which case we can send a bigger car for you.
There are two other options a bit further away -
Béziers, Cap d’Agde (1 hr) or Marseille Provence (1 hr 20 mins).
by automobile
Sommières is almost exactly mid-way between
Montpellier & Nimes in the South of France.
From the north, one would zoom down the autoroute du soleil (A6&7) past Lyon, move onto la Languedocienne (A9) at Orange towards Barcelona.
Come off at the exit no. 27 (marked Lunel, Sommieres) - plain sailing..
finding us in sommières…
Sommières is a medieval little town & our official address is down a cobbled alleyway - GPS systems are little use.. they will turn you around & around…
if you find yourself lost,
please call us (button above) +33466777994
- it can get even more tricky on market days & festival nights !
Coming into the centre of Sommières, having crossed the river on the Roman bridge, you will be forced left down the riverbank, take the second right (the first is no entry), you will come into a square with the post office (la Poste) on the far side. There is a small road running steeply up the right hand side of the Post Office, next to the Pharmacy, towards the Chateau - take it - it weaves to the right - 100 m up you will find pale green gates of the Hotel de l’Orange .
the address for the carpark (also on your booking confirmation) - GPS friendly - is the following: -
10 chemin du château fort, 30250 sommières